Hello! From “YWAM” Baguio City, Philippines.
This is Jordan Scarbrough, and I’m currently in Discipleship Training School in The Philippines. Being discipled and receiving Missionary Training through the Discipleship Training School (DTS) in the University Of Nations Credited College. The DTS was designed to help young people catch hold of God’s vision for their lives, to encourage them that they can do great things with God right now. It is part of “Youth With A Mission “(YWAM) in Baguio City, Philippines Vision. The DTS is dedicated to reaching my generation and equipping us to fulfill God’s destiny about our lives. I think it’s an amazing way to hands on learn how to share the gospel, learn deeply about who God who is, and to see my life changed.
Every year, YWAM International sends out thousands of people (pre-teen to retired) all over the world on short-term mission trips. YWAM begun with the vision of waves of young people crashing onto the shores of other nations, ministering to the broken-hearted and witnessing to people about Jesus. YWAM seeks to disciple young people, so they can bring the kingdom of God to the rest of the world. We are getting to do things together with children in orphanages, pray with people on the streets, teach morals to youth, and in local high schools, Lead worship, and even give out shoes to needy kids! (TOMS) And also, currently learning dances, dramas, and how to freely evangelize. This is a cultural experience in understanding God’s heart for another city/country, while also training me to be more influential with my peers when I come home. Our training has begun in Baguio City, Northern Philippines.
After 12 weeks of training, we’ll leave for an outreach mission for 9 weeks. Last week I owed 25,000 Pesos still for schooling tuition fees ($600.00) American. And with 50 dollars in my bank account… We agreed for a week of fasting and interceding in deep prayer to see what to do next. A week later, Monday morning the 22nd I received the shocking news that someone in the Philippine’s anonymously paid my tuition IN FULL. Such a HUGE Blessing. An answered prayer! And a major Faith-Building experience. But with that, I have also learned that in the book of James, “Faith without Works is Dead.” So I am working hard to raise the 25,000-40,000 Pilipino Pesos, ($800.00 - $1,000) American, for the cost of my outreach fees coming up soon.
- I will be recording an Acoustic Demo CD with my I/phone-Mac set up, and will try and raise any funds and donations towards outreach. Because I know that I cant do this by myself, I am asking you to be apart of my support team. Would you pray about giving financially towards my mission? I am also looking for any prayer warriors out there during these next few months being here. Please let me know if you can give or pray!
I am happy to update you on the amazing things God is doing through the ministry here. And I’d love to hear from you, you can E-mail me:
- Thank you for your prayers and support. -
Blessings from The Philippines!
Jordan Baxter Scarbrough
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