It's been almost 3 months since first arriving in The Philippines following His voice. 3 months of amazing wonders, and true miracles before my eyes to really start realizing how big God the Father we serve truly is.. Listening to his voice that is omnipresent in our lives, has been the biggest growth for me. He is always speaking truth and wisdom for us all to hear, and for us to step out with faith and Obey. In Our community, or to the ends of the earth.
Our Discipleship Training School is now getting ready for the outreach portion in the Philippines. I Found out that i'm going to the Northern part of the island mainly mountains, villages, and Rice terraces, with our team of 5 students and 1-2 leaders. It Will be a huge, and exciting experience being on the move constantly and evangelizing 24/7 in villages of a foreign country. And being the only American in the group... - I will be asked to Preach/Speak very often. -
- Thank you Lord, for Truly stretching my faith/comfort, and teaching obedience, whatever you have planned for the future.... I Will Follow. :)
I Continue to ask for support, and all your prayers! Thank you all so much for everything, i love sharing the stories and the experiences together how God is working in the ministry everywhere. Always blessed hearing whats going on in your lives, Please Let me know what I can pray for??
From Baguio City, Philippines
Jordan Scarbrough.
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