Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Temporary Pain, Eternal Glory.

When we are struck down by our momentary perils we must hold firmly to biblical and foundational truths, for our time of horrendous pain is meant for tremendous gain, attaining for us greater trust in His sovereign workings in our lives. There are countless verses throughout scripture that will comfort us in our time of need. Here are 3 scriptural truths which I have found incredibly beneficial for myself and that I have continually held onto throughout my trials. My hope is that this post will simply encourage and challenge us all. As you persevere through these difficult times, may God keep you and bless you. Amen

"Trials come to prove and improve us." - Augustine

1) This Trial Is Purposeful, And It's Working For Our Good.

"We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, 
who have been called according to His purpose." - Romans 8:28

This is one of the most powerful and weighty verses I preach to myself every morning and evening. When we are walking along the path of obedience, we can rest secure in this unshakeable truth. Knowing that in all of our situations (easy or hard) He is working for our good. Whether it's your mothers cancer, a best friends death, or even your own unexpected and painful hospitalization. None of it is ever meaningless. God is directing all of these things with His divine purpose. This scripture is incredibly comforting and beneficial in any time of distress. If God himself is working on our behalf, then we can trust His sovereign and purposeful plan every step of the way. 

2) Our Pain Is Light And Momentary. 

"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all." - 2 Corinthians 4:16-17

In the midst of our trials it becomes increasingly hard to not lose heart, and to fully trust God. Therefore, we must lean on Christ alone as our everything, and rely on His divine sovereignty. This glorious verse compels me to see that our momentary hardships are not at all worth comparing to the eternal glory which we are promised. Our earthly bodies are going to waste away, but our spirit is being renewed everyday. For we do not know what God is up to in the midst of a painful situation, but we can hold firmly to God's promise of eternal glory in heaven. Now, this is an incredibly hard truth to grasp while we are submerged in the depths of a painful situation. In humility, we must continually seek and ask God for this kind of faith and divine help when we face difficulties. The Holy Spirit will comfort and carry us through any trial. He is willing and able to guide us. 

3) God Is Our Faithful Guide.

"Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my savior, 
and my hope is in you all day long." - Psalm 25:5

This scripture in Psalms is a short yet powerful text with all-satisfying comfort. If God is our trustworthy guide, our redeeming savior, and our unshakable hope, then we can persevere to the end with Him by our side. Therefore, we are never alone along the pilgrimage of faith, especially in the most painful of times. I find great comfort and security knowing that our God is always there for us, even caring about the smallest of hardship. He is our faithful guide, leading us every step of the way. 

My prayer for us all is that God will continue to reveal the importance of these and other biblical truths. To find comfort in His divine sovereignty, and to be led by His faithfulness and strength. Amen. 
- Jordan Scarbrough

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